JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Action News Jax Investigates what a local mother calls a towing scam after she was stuck on the side of the road in desperate need of help and instead was taken for a ride by a fake business she found on Google.
“How often do you think back to what happened?” Action News Jax Ben Becker asked Joy Conway.
“I think about it a lot when I’m driving,” Conway said.
Conway was stranded on the side of Roosevelt Boulevard in Orange Park with her 6-year-old daughter in the back seat after her car started having problems as she was crossing the Buckman Bridge.
“I hoped I would make it off this exit and make it somewhere safe,” Conway said.
Conway pulled over and Googled “tow truck companies near me” and she discovered what she thought was a local company called, Extreme Towing, and paid $217.35 with her credit card.
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