May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024, 8:25 p.m. ET
Endy Chavez claims he was jipped out of a $1.2 million investment.
Getty Images
Former New York Mets outfielder Endy Chavez claims he was duped into shelling out $1.2 million to a fellow Major Leaguer — and has struck out trying to get his money back.
Infielder and fellow Venezuelan Melvin Mora borrowed the dough in installments from Chavez beginning in 2019, according to legal papers filed Friday in Manhattan Supreme Court.
Chavez, 46, who played for the Amazins’ from 2006 to 2008, is suing Mora for fraud and breach of contract, alleging he “has failed and continues to fail to pay” back the debt.
Melvin Mora is the target of a new lawsuit. Getty Images for Race to…